We know that, as an independent woman, you are able to express your true feelings, stand by your beliefs, and conduct your life accordingly. You are in charge of yourself and watch out for yourself. You can support yourself financially, follow your own path, and become your own best friend, you are independent on all fronts. You wouldn't ever need other people to make you feel attractive, loved, or complete. You accept and adore who you are. You never become egotistical even when you are proud of yourself, your accomplishments, your life, and your person.
We also know that, as an independent woman, you may be a mother, a student, a traveler, or a white-collar worker… You may be unassuming, but you are by no means an ordinary Joe. And because we know that, we create our Quilted series to make you look the best, feel the best, and bring out your best wherever you go.